
德国亥姆霍兹中心Norbert Huber教授讲学通知

2017/09/05 1425

应先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室邀请,德国亥姆霍兹中心Norbert Huber教授将于201797日访问我校先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室,并作学术报告,欢迎全校感兴趣的师生参加。

报告人:Prof. Dr. Norbert Huber

报告题目:Laser processes for joining and residual stress design of advanced light metal alloys




Prof. Dr. Norbert Huber has been Head of Institute of Materials Research, Materials Mechanics, at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht and Professor for Materials modelling and Simulation at the Institute of Materials Physics and Materials Technology, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) since 2006. In 2015, he became director of the Center for Advanced Materials (Zentrum für Hochleistungsmaterialien – ZHM), that serves as a platform for scientific cooperation and education and today counts 27 professorial members in materials science from different research institutions in the metropolitan region of Hamburg. He obtained his habilitation in 2000 and his PhD degree in mechanical engineering in 1996 both from University of Karlsruhe. There the basis for his research portfolio was laid, initially in the area of contact mechanics in nanoindentation and later in the direction of nonlinear inverse problems and their solution by artificial neural networks, both being still part of his current research, although now with a new focus towards lightweight integral structures, related joining technologies, and structural integrity.

